Sunday, December 9, 2012

Figure and Face Drawings

This post Is to bring in and update all my face drawings and figure drawings i've done. I've posted some before but this one will add in all the rest I never put up.

Gas Mask Designs
I was doing a exersize on trying to find the right style of gas mask for a squad of ex military characters I'm designing for 3D use. This brought into view all the styles that I could find on the internet to use. I finally did settle on the bottom right design for my leader, but as for the rest of the squad have yet to settle on anything.

Female Drawing challenge
I have never really done major female drawings and this was to help me get use to just that. Shape, pose and  perspective was what I needed, and still do, with female drawings. Its something I will keep working on, but these are my initial tries at it.

With drawing female bodies comes drawing faces. I separate the two due to both are just as hard in my mind. a face drawing needs as much attention as the whole body drawing to me so this is me trying out female faces and hair styles.

Alright, so I did this one for fun. It was an anime picture that I redrew for fun since I've never done major anime style drawings. Its different and did teach me a few things, but still more of something to draw at the time.

These are faces that I drew using basic shops that a teacher of mine got me thinking on how to do. The basic principal he told me in school was take a basic shape i.e. a box or rectangle and make a face out of it. add in some weird shapes like a peanut or a tear drop and use that to make a face. Well that's what these are inspired form.

More of the same really. This is it for now. After going through scans and my photobucket and such it brings to light how much I have changed since first starting to draw. you know what i'll give you an example of what i mean. I'll post up now my early early stuff.

horrid right well we all started somewhere ha ha.

Mechanical Drawings

This next set will be more up to date Images I've taken out of my sketchbook.

Basic Spaceship design
This is a piece that I wanted to do to explore into mechanical drawings and basic prospective. It is a little old but not to old. Its simplistic over all but due to this i have thought about making a 3D model of it to use in simple animations.

Eve Inspired small attack frigate
This was more into the world of mechanical drawings and inspired by the game Eve Online I use to play. a small craft for basic attack nothing major. This is more of a perspective test with ships than anything else to push myself.

Inspired by the movie Titan A.E.
I like the design and i think could look good as a model if I ever went in and toon shaded it and added some small details to it. its simple as are the rest, but I still love this drawing.

Unit-Y Blueprint
This one is an exploration into man made suits and armors. I wanted to start to get a feel for how to draw battle suits from Halo and other video games for characters. I wanted to start small though. It took me a few tries as seen on the right to get the body to look the way i wanted from the side. In the end it turned out to be something I really like and opened the doors to other styles.

This was a secondary unit I was working on the head style is something i might use later. the body style is something it turned out I didn't like at all and left it at that.

Military robot
This design sparked from the previous two and I was able to make a more detailed side view of a Robot that looked like it could be used for military use. I want to actually use this and add to it and make a complete unit to show off and even bring into 3Ds Max and create an actual model from it.
Alright I haven't been on in a very long time to actually upload and post any of my updated sketchbook pictures. Not all of them are going to be on this section as I am still working on some and have not scanned in others. For now I will update as much as I can.

These are some old drawings I did in College for a class that I've seen I never put up.

He's an older design and uses mix media one of my first tries at mixed media at the Art Institute. An old Picture still a good one.
This guy is more of an abstract piece than anything me fooling around while drawing to find something I liked. It wasn't a bad try, but a little to abstract for a character design I think.

He is a recreation of an older piece (older than even these are now) that i wanted to do a hooded figure with a mask to scare people with. It came out alright not my original intention though.

This is My all time favorite picture. Mainly because it's one of my first real drawings in art school that came out good. It's my take on the Grim Reaper and its all done in mechanical pencil hence my darks aren't dark enough for my taste. He is the blueprint to future drawings I've done.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


different type of exploration into the character designs also that start of the scenery designs. more to come with scenery for the cities and country


Designs I've been playing with for different types of guns. most of them are real shot guns that I've redrawn to get ideas on them. based mostly off of Russian series shot guns that are able to go fully automatic.

Monday, April 25, 2011

DeathBang Characters

three characters I'm still flushing out for the DeathBang crew. The strait on shot is one that is mainly complete while the other two will be redesigned with their cloths to get a better look for each of them

DeathBang Leader

original drawing on the right with the final look made on the left. I changed the dress of the coat and shirt in the end to make it more modern and less western. This character will be one of the mains in a squad Known as DeathBang I'm developing out.