Sunday, December 9, 2012

Alright I haven't been on in a very long time to actually upload and post any of my updated sketchbook pictures. Not all of them are going to be on this section as I am still working on some and have not scanned in others. For now I will update as much as I can.

These are some old drawings I did in College for a class that I've seen I never put up.

He's an older design and uses mix media one of my first tries at mixed media at the Art Institute. An old Picture still a good one.
This guy is more of an abstract piece than anything me fooling around while drawing to find something I liked. It wasn't a bad try, but a little to abstract for a character design I think.

He is a recreation of an older piece (older than even these are now) that i wanted to do a hooded figure with a mask to scare people with. It came out alright not my original intention though.

This is My all time favorite picture. Mainly because it's one of my first real drawings in art school that came out good. It's my take on the Grim Reaper and its all done in mechanical pencil hence my darks aren't dark enough for my taste. He is the blueprint to future drawings I've done.

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